Who We Serve

Divorce Attorneys

Are you searching for forensic accountants who explain their processes and the information they gather in layman's term, and make that information accessible for all parties?

You’re working towards a settlement agreement based on the equitable distribution of assets but lack a clear understanding if all assets have been correctly noted and assessed accurately? Add to that the fragile nature of balancing the emotions of a divorce and you’ve got a recipe that trigger Family Law Forensics Accountants.

 Our team helps provide the data necessary to make well-informed decisions and navigate the financial aspects of divorce. Attorneys can benefit from working with professionals who hold numerous credentials, including certified public accountant, valuation expert, master analyst of financial forensics, and certified divorce financial analyst.

Working together we can provide a projection of income for your client, based on the assets that give them peace of mind and knowing that the divorce settlement that they receive is going to last them as long as they need.

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Has it been hard to find accountants who give creative financial solutions?

Asset issues get more complex as careers, families, and goals multiply. Communication is critical, but this is often when deep-seated emotions around money tend to shut communication off. Don’t let the lack of financial planning and understanding of marital assets dampen your mediation.

Those going through a divorce face the challenge of costly litigation without the proper financial data and planning services provided by family law forensic accountants. There is often the feeling of being lost without understanding their current financial situation in the face of divorce, clients feel lost and emotionally uneasy.`

Forensic accountants understand the concern of an equitable settlement agreement would not be reached due to the lack of financial planning and understanding of marital assets. We are a partner that can create ideal financial settlements between parties and assist in the divorce settlement process by explaining how settlements meet the couple's objectives.

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Separating Spouses

Are You hoping to gain an understanding of your possible financial outcome?

Will it last? Nothing scary about that idea is there?  Secure your financial future prior to, during and after divorce with forensic accounting services.

Divorce can be a trying time, but with the help of a forensic accountant, you can make sure that you and your spouse a reach a settlement agreement based on the equitable distribution of the assets. A forensic accountant can provide detailed information on both parties’ assets, which ensures a fair and equitable outcome for all parties involved. Let forensic accounting give you the peace of mind to move forward with your life. 

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